Happy New Year from Shooting Star Dreamer!

Once again, it's the end of the year! Throughout this year, a lot of things have changed for this blog and for me. Though it is harder for me to keep Shooting Star Dreamer consistently updated, I cannot help but make a New Year's post for you all. As New Year approached things have felt somewhat different than before. I feel that the anime community and anime in general has been changing, or perhaps even evolving. Whether this is a good or bad thing, I am not sure. All I know is that it has changed my approach to anime. (and my frequency of keeping up with anime) Something that has not changed though is my tradition of creating New Year's Resolutions. After thinking over my resolutions in depth, I do not believe they are goals to simply be met in the future. If these goals aren't met but are worked towards, then the progress and growth is still there. Completing the goal isn't necessarily the point of resolutions, its just to have a guide to work towards. A...