Beyond the Surface of Anime

Artist Credit Sometimes we tend to take things at face value without questioning what's going on behind the scenes. We may look at anime in the same light, as series are judged by their opening episodes, genre, and cast of characters. However, when examining anime that display questionable or controversial themes, we may find inspirational or positive messages hidden beneath their deceiving exterior. In order to further understand all the work that goes into creating an anime, a little bit of curiosity is necessary to unravel the mysteries within. Now when I speak of mysteries I do not necessarily mean that there are hidden secrets or messages that no one has ever seen before. The things hidden beneath are usually not extremely complex things in most cases, but simpler life lessons that we tend to forget from time to time. This alone is one of the reasons why I love anime, because of how much work goes into it, and how much it relates to our life. An Anime-Based Example ...