Let's Share: Figure Photography

Let's Share is back again! I feel that among the long list of big names, smaller fans get lost in the shuffle. There's a lot of talent and skill out there, but goes unnoticed. So I want to promote these talented people in a way to help build awareness and unity among anime fans and otaku. Somewhat related to My Figure Collection, I would like to take the time to pass the spotlight to a talented anime fan. She goes by the name of Tsubaki, and is very skilled at figure photography. For the uninformed, figures usually involve small statue like replications of anime characters. They're known to be collected by fans and otaku. While it may not seem like it, collecting is a very interesting hobby, as not only do you get to see your collection of favorite characters grow, you meet a lot of exciting people along the way. Please take a look at the pictures below, and please check out Tsubaki's profile to support her! Tsubaki's Pictures Profile Flavors ...