What Are You Thankful for Anime Fans?

Hello everyone and Happy Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving is not over yet for some of us, and for others it has already ended! Despite this, hopefully everyone is having/had a good Thanksgiving! It's nice to make the holiday about food, but don't forget to count your blessings and spend time with loved ones!

As for me, I'm very thankful that there are many wonderful people in my life. That includes you, my readers. I'm thankful that people take the time to read my post and give their thoughts. The fact that someone uses their free time to listen to my words is really amazing. I wouldn't have come this far without you all, so I'm very grateful. I hope that I can continue to provide quality content as a way to thank you all.

I am also very thankful for my family and friends. I wouldn't be here without them. They continuously provide me with support and love to help me reach my goals. I cannot even imagine myself accomplishing big feats on my own, so I am very grateful to have such people around.

Lastly, I'm thankful for anime, and Shooting Star Dreamer. Without anime, I wouldn't be typing this post today. Anime has changed my life in so many ways, I might not even be the person I am now. I can't even imagine what I would be doing if such a wonderful thing didn't exist. Shooting Star Dreamer is also another thing I'm very blessed to have. There are many people who either lack the technology to have such a thing, or don't have the time, courage, or writing, to start one. So I consider myself really lucky to have a blog of my own!

On an ending note, thank you again! All that's left now is to ask for your thoughts. What are you thankful for, anime fans?


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