Blog Update November 2014

Hello everyone! Today's post will be pretty short. I haven't made many updates to my website recently, but I have a lot planned for the future! Please stay tuned, as I plan to do a lot of revamps, and overall make things a little easier to navigate. Any suggestions or user feedback would be greatly appreciated as well!

So for the Blog Update this time, I'd just like to announce that I've finally gotten around to creating a simple FAQ page. It can be found in the top bar of my blog, but just in case you're having trouble finding it or are viewing via mobile, I'll post the link here.

The FAQ goes over a few simple things about Shooting Star Dreamer and me. I discussed what I write about and my post guidelines. I also gave out a few ways to contact me, as well as information for Guest Posts and Blogrolls. It may be a little hard to read, so I might organize it a bit more later. So, if you're a blogger like me, please look into those!

Instead of explaining everything, I think it'd be best for you all to have a look yourselves! So again, please check out the FAQ page, if you notice anything extremely out of proportion please let me know, because it's probably not meant to be that way.

So that's my short and sweet post for today!
Until next time~


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